A proper and complete education is the key to becoming an accomplished professional.
Many Farriers attend schools to increase their knowledge and skills.
A Farrier should be a true craftsman, one who has genuine interest and pride in his work. He should look at each hoof that he prepares and shoes as one that will bear his trademark and demonstrate the quality of his work. A keen Farrier wants to keep informed of the latest research and developments in hoof care technology. A Farrier that does not stay updated is outdated.
Good Time Management
A Farrier must usually be the secretary, accountant, and chief laborer in his small operation, he must be a good business manager. Time is one of his most valuable assets and it must be properly managed. In order to be successful, a Farrier must be organized when making and keeping appointments.
Knowledge Of Horse's
In order to get along with the variety of horses belonging to clients, a Farrier must understand and be comfortable using standard methods of horse handling. Although a Farrier needs to remain flexible to the different ways of doing things at various barns, he should never consent to work in unsafe conditions or work on an untrained or unmannerly horse. A big part of his being a good horseman is knowing when to say NO when a client presents an unruly horse for him to shoe.
Communication Skills
Story telling is not a prerequisite to being a good horse shoer but being able to explain hoof care principles and management to owners is important. You should be able to ask your Farrier what thrush is and get a thorough, intelligent, and accurate answer. Although your Farrier doesn't have the time to teach you everything he has learned, he should be able to give you a good answer and then refer you to books or articles that deal with the topics that concern or interest you.
Appropriate Skill Level
Just as there are all levels of horsemen, there are all levels of practicing horse shoer's as well - from very basic, self-taught individuals to highly educated Farriers. Horses with abnormal hoof problems will require the experience and skilled Farrier. When an inexperienced Farrier is faced with quarter cracks, run-under heels, laminitis, or navicular syndrome, he may not know what to do or what he may try may make the situation worse.
The greater the performance demands are on a horse, the more precise his shoeing needs to be. The backyard pleasure horse with normal hooves may get along very well with shoes put on by a Farrier who has only very basic (but acceptable) skills. However, when that horse is headed into the barrel-racing arena, over a hunter course, or on an endurance ride, his shoeing requirements will become much more specialized.
There Are 2 Principle Keys To Success For Your Horse
1) Regular Farrier Care
2) Choosing A Certified Farrier
Choosing a Farrier to provide hoof care for your horse is one of the most important decisions you will make for the well-being of your horse. Improper hoof care can lead to injury or lameness, and may reduce your horse’s chance to reach its full potential.
You should choose your Farrier in a systematic and educated way to assure that you will obtain the services of the Farrier who will best fill your needs, and the needs of your horse.
This decision should not be left until you have an emergency. The most experienced and best trained Farriers' often have a schedule of clients and have a waiting list of owners who are interested in having them provide hoof care for their horse. The use of only price or availability as a guideline may lead to unsatisfactory work, and is best avoided. The perfect Farrier does not exist, but you should be able to find one to fill your needs.