Thermal imaging can be affected by artefact's (anomalies in the image) the following guidelines have been put together to ensure that the most accurate and easily interpreted images are taken.
The horse must be completely dry including feet and coronet bands.
If you are going to wash your horse's legs they can take 2-3 hours to dry especially in the winter.
It is better to let the mud dry and brush out. The horse must be clean so no mud or old creams or gels on body or legs
Light brushing with a soft brush is permitted 5 minutes before imaging.
If at all possible The horse must not be sweating. Minimum 30 mins prior.
If possible No boots to be worn the night before or day of imaging.
The horse must be out of the sun minimum 1 hour before, longer if possible.
When you bring the horse into the stable pick and brush horses feet, the cleaner the better. This will also allow the feet to dry thoroughly.
Stabling over night is good only if the horse is calm and relaxed about this.
No liniment, lotions, leg sweats to be used on legs or body 2 days prior and all to be washed and scrubbed off.
If possible no bute or anti-inflammatory drugs, or sedative to be give within 3 days, if this is a must due to injury itself please let us know.
No hoof oil or other dressing around or under feet.
No fly spray or show sheens that day.
No clipping with in a few days prior as clipped areas show as increased heat pattern.
Best area for imaging: Concrete surface to stand on or other firm surface - no sawdust or shavings as the horses feet get lost in the bedding.
A barn with the least amount of light or consistent light. No direct sunlight, ( radiation from the sun will warm your horse and create false readings.
Preparation prior to images - tail should be plaited in a normal plait so it is out of the way of the hocks.